AB032. Avoiding early cord clamping at all births

AB032. Avoiding early cord clamping at all births

David J. R. Hutchon

Emeritus Consultant Obstetrician, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, UK

Correspondence to: David J. R. Hutchon. Emeritus Consultant, Emeritus Consultant Obstetrician, Memorial Hospital, Darlington, England. Email: djrhutchon@hotmail.co.uk.

Abstract: Avoiding the harm of early cord clamping at birth is now recommended internationally. This recommendation is currently limited to neonates not requiring resuscitation at birth. These are the same babies that are most harmed by early clamping. The problem arises because the traditional resuscitation trolley is a few yards away from the mother and cord clamping is required to move the neonate over. There is also a perception that there is insufficient space for both the obstetric team and the neonatal team, but experience shows this is not the case. A development tool will be presented which will allow every maternity unit to provide motherside resuscitation with an intact cord at all births.

Keywords: Cord clamping; neonatal transition; motherside resuscitation

doi: 10.21037/pm.2020.AB032
Cite this abstract as: Hutchon DJR. Avoiding early cord clamping at all births. Pediatr Med 2020;3:AB032.

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