Review Article

Abnormal uterine bleeding: a narrative review

Kylie Miller, Jessical Konal, Kelly Brown, Maria Demma Cabral


Background and Objective: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common, yet urgent gynecological complaint in the adolescent population. The prolonged, heavy, and/or unpredictable pattern of AUB can pose significant health risks if not treated appropriately. Understanding normal menstrual physiology forms the basis for identifying plausible causes of AUB, and a systematic approach to evaluation of AUB can aid in recognizing the acuity of the condition. Evaluation starts with obtaining a thorough history with complete physical exam, followed by appropriate testing with or without pelvic imaging.
Methods: An electronic search was performed on MEDLINE and PubMed to identify relevant articles from 1995 to 2019.
Key Content and Findings: This narrative review focuses on the different etiologies of abnormal uterine bleeding and the best practical approach in evaluating and managing affected adolescent females.
Conclusions: Severity and acuity of the underlying causes of AUB dictate treatment approaches with hopes to prevent costly and time-consuming hospitalizations. The best preventive measure is educating the patient and caregivers on monitoring menstrual cycles and recognizing when help is necessary.

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